• Work Time

    Mon - Sat 9 AM - 4 PM
  • Address

    Tavarekere Bengaluru

Pre School

We @ Anjanadri follow Play – based approach which emphasizes the importance of play in a child's learning and development. Play is viewed as a child's natural way of exploring and making sense of the world. We focus on the child's interests and encourage exploration, creativity, and collaboration by catering to individual needs.

Our Teachers provide a rich environment with open-ended materials and activities that encourage imaginative play, problem-solving, and social interaction. Teachers act as co-learners and facilitators, documenting the child's experiences and using them as a basis for further learning.

Education Programs

Anjanadri focuses on providing a nurturing and engaging environment for young children to develop social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills. The emphasis is on fostering a love for learning, building foundational skills, and preparing children for the transition to higher grades.


Key skills

  • Play-based Learning:
    Through play, children develop important skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and social interaction.
  • Individualized Instruction:
    Teachers may use a variety of instructional strategies to cater to different learning styles and abilities.
  • Daily Routine
    includes a balance of activities such as circle time, storytelling, outdoor play, art and craft, music and movement, and free play.
  • Language Developmen:
    Teachers use interactive methods to enhance children's listening, speaking, and vocabulary skills.
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skill:
    incorporate activities that promote the development of fine motor skills (such as cutting, drawing, and threading) and gross motor skills (such as running, jumping, and balancing).
  • Sensory Exploration
    sensory activities that involve exploring different textures, colors, shapes, and sounds. These activities stimulate the senses and contribute to children's cognitive and perceptual development.
  • Social and Emotional Development:
    nurturing environment that promotes self-expression, empathy, and self-regulation.

Grade 1 & Grade 2

Grade 1 Methodology & Curriculum

Anjanadri follows Child-Centric Approach which focuses on the holistic development of each student. It promotes active learning, encourages curiosity, and fosters a love for learning among children

  • Languages:
    English, Kannada, and a third language. The focus is on developing basic communication skills, vocabulary, reading, and writing abilities.
  • Mathematics:
    foundational concepts such as numbers, basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), patterns, shapes, measurements, and data handling. It emphasizes developing problem-solving and logical thinking skills.
  • Environmental Studies (EVS):
    We introduce young learners to their immediate environment, including topics like plants, animals, food, water, air, and seasons. It promotes an understanding of the environment, sustainability, and encourages children to develop a sense of responsibility towards their surroundings. Students get introduced to basic scientific concepts through hands-on activities and observations. Topics may include living and non-living things, the human body, plants, animals, weather, and simple experiments. Curriculum covers topics like community, family, occupations, festivals, and basic geography. It aims to develop an understanding of the social and cultural aspects of society, along with basic map reading skills.
  • Art, Music, and Physical Education:
    Students have opportunities to explore creative activities, music, and engage in physical exercises to promote physical fitness and coordination in turn enhances overall development.

Grade 2 Methodology & Curriculum

Anjanadri follows Child-Centric Approach & Experiential learning which focuses on the holistic development of each student. It promotes active participation, hands-on learning, and fosters curiosity and creativity. Students engage in practical activities, projects, and group discussions to deepen their understanding of concepts. This approach encourages students to connect their learning with real-life experiences.

  • Languages:
    English, Kannada, and a third language. The focus is on developing language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Grammar and vocabulary building continue to be important aspects of language learning.
  • Mathematics:
    covers topics such as numbers, basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), patterns, shapes, measurements, data handling, and introduction to fractions. The curriculum focuses on problem-solving and logical thinking skills.
  • Environmental Studies (EVS):
    understanding of the environment and the world around them. Topics such as natural resources, plants, animals, food, water, air, weather, and basic concepts related to our surroundings. Curriculum encourages inquiry-based learning and hands-on activities.
  • Art, Music, and Physical Education:
    Students have opportunities to explore creativity through art, engage in music activities, and participate in physical education classes to promote physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork.
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